Introducing Adam Siegel. Adam Siegel is the US steel pan tuner for Vistapan Steel Instruments, having started with the company in 2011. He has tuned countless university, school and community steel bands across the US and recently returned from a tuning trip in Beijing, China. A highly regarded alto jazz saxophonist for his originality and advanced harmonic sense, Adam graduated from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia and has performed with jazz greats such as Dick Oats and Joe McPhee. Aided by perfect pitch, he trained to be a pan tuner in New York and Trinidad. He continues to receive enthusiastic reviews for his very accurate tuning work while keeping a busy schedule playing jazz. VistaPan sells a full range of steel drums and carries all the accessories needed for steel pan performance. We have Instructional Books available now, in addition to many accessories! … [Read more...]
Penny Mohammed
Introducing Penny Mohammed.Penny Mohammed is General Manager of our newest steel pan distribution and shipping center in Palmyra, Trinidad (the island nation that invented pan and is at the center of steelpan making and steel band performance). Penny himself is an active performer on steel pan and guitar in communities in the south of the island. He also co-directs the One Planet One People Pan Band, which is a youth oriented 20 piece steel band that seeks to bring together different cultures through their music.Penny is deeply involved in the betterment of his community and is chairman of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Palmyra. A true "people person", he makes friends wherever he goes and enjoys helping others achieve their musical goals. VistaPan sells a full range of steel drums and carries all the accessories needed for steel pan performance. We have Instructional Books available now, in addition to many accessories! … [Read more...]
Gary Moore
Introducing Gary Moore. Gary Moore has made his mark as a steel pan mallet maker with his careful attention to detail and his use of unique materials designed to produce superior pan sound. He has handmade all of the mallets sold by VistaPan for the last 8 years, including the exceptional and innovative Artist Series mallets. Gary knew that players in a large steel band had very different requirements from that of the professional steel pan player, who is often in small or solo settings as well as recording sessions where a pure, rich steel pan tone is most noticeable. Performers have enthusiastically embraced Gary's Artist mallets for their clearer sound that is richer and fuller than that produced by traditional style wood or metal mallets. Like everyone at VistaPan, Gary plays steel pans. From the very start of the company, he has contributed greatly to the new ideas about product, service and shipping that has made VistaPan the first choice for steel bands and steel pan … [Read more...]
Ronald Matthews
Introducing Ronald Matthews.Ronald Matthews is a highly qualified steel pan tuner as well as being a steel band arranger, performer and steel band leader. His masterful tuning work includes the remarkable Artist Series Lead pans, which he produces exclusively for VistaPan. Thirty years ago, Ronald started his pursuit of tuning excellence by completing every available tuning program in Trinidad at the top of his class, including advanced steel pan tuning programs and university level programs at both UWI and UTT. His love for the art of steel pan tuning shows in each instrument he touches. Ronald performs with the large Panorama band, Arima Angel Harps and is their resident tuner. He has traveled extensively to conduct steel pan tuning workshops in the US, the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East. At the same time, Ronald, who is a skilled musical arranger, has founded and leads a professional steel band in Trinidad called PanExcel Steel Orchestra, which he also uses as a vehicle to … [Read more...]
John Skoczen
Introducing John Skoczen.John Skoczen is International Sales Representative for VistaPan, but is also an active steel pan musician.He currently performs on his VistaPan Artist Supreme Lead and Double Tenor steel pans primarily in Houston, San Antonio and Austin, but has enjoyed a long musical career playing throughout the Caribbean and many other regions. A percussion major in college and an excellent set drummer, John has explored world rhythmic traditions by learning to play an impressive assortment of instruments he has collected from the far reaches of the planet. His new CD, entitled "Shades of Pan", is being mastered now. It features a live jazz rhythm section with a Caribbean treatment to some classic tunes. John truly enjoys talking and communicating every day with pan people from around the world. He gets a special joy from helping beginners, professionals and steel band programs choose the superb pan instruments they need to realize their musical goals. Click here to … [Read more...]