steel pans
Steel Pans
Steel Pan Accessories
Tips & Tricks
World of Pan
Stands for Steel Pan
There are several different types of stands for the steel pan instrument. The most important characteristic of a stand for a steel drum is that the steel pan must hang […]
Mallets for Lead Steel Pans
Each instrument in the steel pan family utilizes a different playing mallet. Since the different steel drum instruments encompass a wide tonal range, it is necessary to have different materials, […]
Finishes for Steel Pans
There are five finishes to know about for steel pans. Many materials have been tried but these five are most commonly in production today. The least expensive finish for a […]
Describing the Steel Pan Sound
Describing the sound of the steel pan musical instrument is both difficult and seemingly fraught with contradictions. Much easier to articulate is the dramatic effect steel drum sound has on […]
The Intricacies of Steel Pan Tuning
At the heart of the steel drum musical revolution is the remarkable way in which steel pans are tuned. Rather than just adjust fundamental pitches like most every other major […]
New Developments in Steel Pans
When steel pans were first made in the middle of the 20th century, there was very rapid development of the instruments in the steel drum family. Before steel pans were […]
The Unique Sound of Steel Pan
Around the world, people are fascinated with the unique character of the sound that a steel pan musical instrument produces. The creation of the steel drum family of instruments, beginning […]
The Care of a Steel Pan Instrument
Keep your steel pan dry. You should be diligent about preventing rust formation which can ruin your steel drum instrument. Many musicians wipe the instrument dry with a soft cloth […]
The Full Voice Steel Pan Orchestra
In a full voice steel drum band, more steel pan instrument types are utilized to maximize the expressive capabilities of the ensemble. The four voice steel band has Leads (also […]
The Steel Pan Instrument Family
The steel drum instrument family is comprised of different instruments in different ranges. In the soprano range, there is a Lead pan (also called a Tenor pan). This is similar […]
The Steel Drum Movement – Part I
The steel pan, commonly referred to as the “steel drum,” is recognized worldwide as the most important acoustic instrument to be developed since the 1800’s and the only family of […]
The Steel Drum Movement – Part II
Many localities in the United States and elsewhere around the world have small steel pan performing ensembles, which are typically two to six members. These small steel drum bands often […]
The Steel Drum Movement – Part III
There are many individuals in steel pan that play mostly for their own enjoyment, much like a pianist or guitarist who makes music mostly in their own home. Some use […]